
Showing posts from January, 2018
I was just playing piano tiles, a game where you only tap on the black tiles. I like this game cause it starts off slow but keeps going faster and faster I like getting that feeling we're your heart goes faster and not wanting to fail or loose. &pluse because it plays the song but on piano tone &I enjoy piano music..
Today we watched a video on TED about how gaming can change the world or how gaming can change the world, and amazing how we think we spend a lot of time on games but we really don't. And sopose to spend way way way more time 🤯 crazzyy
today I started learning how to build a game online , one resource I found is  link it helped me understand that the game is about getting coins , going to missions it has you entertained , really fun cause all you want is go to the ending but there is no ending lol